Friday, May 7, 2010

Welcome to COP[20]... in space!

Dear delegates,

As the directors for COP[20], we would like to firstly extend a very warm welcome to all the wonderful space-kiddies who have bravely chosen to venture upon the International Space Station for the sake of diplomacy. The future of the future committee is in your hands! It is an honour to be part of what will no doubt be a brilliant committee.

This humble website has been created for the purpose of actively notifying delegates of any significant developments that may be relevant to the COP[20]'s interests. COP[20]'s history may be affected by any substantial resolutions passed by committees in 2010 and you will be notified of these changes herein. Furthermore, this website will document news update that delegates may wish to pay heed to.

We wish you the best of luck, and hope for a multitude of successes at this year's Fraser Heights Model United Nations conference.


Chirantha Premathilaka - Humble Director of COP[20]
Yesha Ouyang - Esteemed Director of COP[20]
Hwan Jeon - HAL9000

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