Saturday, May 8, 2010

Greenfeud has something to say about geo engineering

Jean Lalond

Paris, France

Greenfeud has released a public statement to the media showing aversion to the prospects of geoengineering. Greenfeud claims geoengineering to be, "...merely escaping from the problem." The group additionally that the international community should be focusing on developing a new mandate to reduce carbon emissions worldwide and move to greener initiatives, especially with the more supposedly more capable organization now in effect.

"Quite frankly, we don't see geoengineering happening anytime soon. We've been hearing about a multitude of experiments being conducted, but we've yet to hear a similar amount of success stories. Even then, this idea isn't going to magically decompose all the wastes we've accumulated, or even halt their accumulation. We've been running from the problem for several decades now; we're going to have to face it eventually," claims the representative.

The statement was made in a public square alongside a large following. It seems that these sentiments are being echoed by an incredibly large mass of people. Similarly, the speaker made references to more rapport in other developed nations, however these allegations remain unconfirmed.

Despite the label Greenfeud has amassed as prominent "environmental terrorists," the representative made no allusions to any actions to be taken should their statement go disregarded, although there has been a volatile history surrounding this group.

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